


 M codes chart
M00Program Stop
M01Optional (Planned) Stop
M02End of program
M03Spindle CW
M04Spindle CCW
M05Spindle OFF
M06Tool change
M07Coolant #2 ON
M08Coolant #1 ON
M09Coolant OFF
M13Spindle CW & Coolant ON
M14Spindle CCW & Coolant ON
M15Motion +
M16Motion -
M19Oriented spindle stop
M20-M29Permanently unassigned
M30End of tape
M31Interlock bypass
M36-M39Permanently unassigned
M40-M45Gear changes if used, otherwise unassigned
M48Cancel M49
M49Bypass override
M90-M99Reserved for user


CNC Machine Language
G-Code List

G-Code is one of a number of computer code languages that are used to instruct CNC machining devices what motions they need to perform such as work coordinates, canned cycles, and multiple repetitive cycles. Industry has standardized on G-Code as its basic set of CNC machine codes.

G-Code is the most popular programming language used for programming CNC machinery. Some G words alter the state of the machine so that it changes from cutting straight lines to cutting arcs. Other G words cause the interpretation of numbers as millimeters rather than inches. Some G words set or remove tool length or diameter offsets.

Below is a complete listing of current codes.




Rapid Linear Interpolation


Linear Interpolation


Clockwise Circular Interpolation


Counter Clockwise Circular Interpolation




High Speed Machining Mode


Offset Input By Program


Clockwise Circle With Entrance And Exit Arcs


Counter Clockwise Circle With Entrance And Exit Arcs


X-Y Plane Selection


Z-X Plane Selection


Y-Z Plane Selection


Return To Reference Point


Special Fixed Cycle (Bolt Hole Circle)


Special Fixed Cycle (Line At Angle)


Special Fixed Cycle (Arc)


Special Fixed Cycle (Grid)


Tool Radius Compensation Cancel


Tool Radius Compensation Left


Tool Radius Compensation Right


Tool Length Compensation


Tool Length Compensation Cancel


Tool Offset Increase


Tool Offset Decrease


Programmed Mirror Image Cancel


Programmed Mirror Image On


Local Coordinate Setting

G54 - G59

Work Coordinate Registers 1 Thru 6


Unidirectional Positioning


Exact Stop Check Mode


Macro Call (Non Modal)


Macro Call (Modal)


Programmed Coordinate Rotation


Coordinate Rotation Cancel


Fixed Cycle (Step)


Fixed Cycle (Reverse Tapping)


Fixed Cycle (Fine Boring)


Fixed Cycle Cancel


Fixed Cycle (Drilling / Spot Drilling)


Fixed Cycle (Drilling / Counter Boring)


Fixed Cycle (Deep Hole Drilling)


Fixed Cycle (Tapping)


Fixed Cycle (Boring)


Fixed Cycle (Boring)


Fixed Cycle (Back Boring)


Fixed Cycle (Boring)


Fixed Cycle (Boring)


Absolute Value Command


Incremental Value Command


Work Offset Set


User macro 1 (substitution) =


User macro 1 (addition) +


User macro 1 (subtraction) -


User macro 1 (multiplication) *


User macro 1 (division) /


User macro 1 (square root)


User macro 1 (sine) sin


User macro 1 (cosine) cos


User macro 1 (arc tangent) tan


User macro (square root)


User macro 1 (unconditional branch)


User macro 1 (zero condition branch)


User macro (negative condition branch)


tool change scripting

Tool changes are handled by a tool change script defined in the ToolChange.cfg file. This file should be edited in a standard Windows Text Editor. During a Tool Change, any valid GCode Block sequence can be executed. There are separate commands for picking up and putting back each tool so that each tool can be picked/placed at any location. If a tool is called for and there is not a valid tool section in the ToolChange.cfg file, then the last valid tool section defined will be executed.Example of a basic tool change script for Tool 1.[TOOL1]PLACE0=M05 (Turn Off Spindle)PLACE1=G4 P4 (Pause for Spindle wind down)PLACE2=G0 Z0.5 (Raise Z above Zero)PLACE3=G0 X7.000 Y4.770 (Move to a location for manual tool change)PLACE4=M0 (Wait for user to change tool and continue)PICKUP0=M03 (Turn on Spindle)PICKUP1=G4 P3 (Wait for Spindle wind up)Example of an advanced tool change script for Tool 1.[TOOL1]PLACE0=G49 (Turn Off TLO's)PLACE1=M05 (Turn Off Spindle)PLACE2=G4 P4 (Pause for Spindle wind down)PLACE3=G0 Z-.5 (Place tool in tool Holder - multiple movements)PLACE4=G0 X7.000 Y4.770 (Place tool in tool Holder - multiple movements)PLACE5=G0 Z-1.960 (Place tool in tool Holder - multiple movements)PLACE6=G0 X8.036 Y4.770 (Place tool in tool Holder - multiple movements)PLACE7=G0 Z-.5 (Place tool in tool Holder - multiple movements)PICKUP0=G49 (Turn Off TLO's)PICKUP1=G0 Z-.5 (Pick Up tool from tool Holder - multiple movements)PICKUP2=G0 X8.036 Y4.770 (Pick Up tool from tool Holder - multiple movements)PICKUP3=G0 Z-1.960 (Pick Up tool from tool Holder - multiple movements)PICKUP4=G0 X7.000 Y4.770 (Pick Up tool from tool Holder - multiple movements)PICKUP5=G0 Z-.5 (Pick Up tool from tool Holder - multiple movements)PICKUP6=M3 (Turn on Spindle)PICKUP7=G4 P3 (Wait for Spindle wind up)PICKUP8=G43 H1 (Use tool Length Offset for Tool 1)


modular cnc technology

Modular CNC Technology is your source for affordable automation and machinery components. We are currently stocking CNC capable mechanical components and plan on adding more items as we grow. We also carry table top CNC routers to give your company CNC capability at a fraction of the normal costs.

Modular CNC ships all over the World so please take a look and if your country is not listed in our shipping area then let us know and we will add it.

Enjoy Safe and Secure Transactions using PayPal at Checkout!

Here is a list of other items coming soon:

-Additional CNC Motion Products

-Punch and Die Components

-Machinery Design and Build Components

Visit often and keep up to date on our exciting new products.

You can see videos of our Aluminum CNC Router under CNC Videos.

Please visit our other website for additional information about our products and company while we are transitioning from one site to another.


Please allow 5 - 7 business days for most orders and 2 - 4 weeks for the 3 axis machines. I carry the parts in inventory but don't have the space to pre-assemble machinery.

Designs are subject to change but will always be to improve the product.


this one is last discussion for how to build.

We made our own board using the template from the web page. We used similar techniques to the one in part 4 of our iPod Superdock How-To. We reversed the pdf image using Gimp, and printed it onto a laserprinter transparency. This method doesn't create as nice of a trace as the paper, but it's speedier. Clean the board, and keep the paper backing between the plastic and the iron. Once the toner is ironed, just cool it with water and peel.

We etched the board using Ferric Chloride from RadioShack in a disposable Zip-Lock container. It needs to be warm and agitated to work well. The acid and hydrogen peroxide solution etches way faster.

We drilled the board with our drill press and tungsten carbide bits from Drill Bit City. We had to refer to the placement schematic several times to make sure we drilled everything right. Getting the pins holes aligned for the 5804s is a challenge!

If you want to do a toner transfer of the placement mask, do it before drilling the holes. Otherwise the surface is too uneven to allow a good transfer. If you screw it up like we did, you can cheat. Just print the mask onto a transparency and burn holes for the components with a soldering iron. It works surprisingly well.

Next time we'll start building the actual machine and show you how to build some simple and effective slide systems. For now, here's a teaser of what's coming! Good luck!

now is going to be complete 2 steps u far

Finally, we'll need some linear slides. One easy out is to purchase a used or surplus XY table that's built just for this purpose. Custom designs can be built using ball bearings. Above is the linear rail that ShopBot uses. They machine the edge of a piece of steel and use this cool angled roller bearing.

We built this linear slide from a 1/2-inch steel rod and multiple bearing surfaces. It works, but we don't recommend building it if you value your sanity.

Once uou've bought or salvaged a set of motors, you'll need a controller. The controller provides the interface to the computer, drives the motors and can provide some simple feedback to the computer. The stepper controller has to be powerful enough to drive the motors you've selected. We sifted through lots of stepper controller designs looking for one that presented the best value. In the end we found this design for a relatively simple parallel port interface that originally appeared in a 1994 issue of Nuts and Volts. Today, the expensive UCN5804B is only available as a surplus item, but now the entire controller can be built for about $22-$30 in parts. (If you use a heavier motor like the ones from the Imagewriter, you might need to add some separate power transistors.)The parts list at the link is a bit outdated, here's our updated shopping list.
3 - UCN5804B -
12 - 1N49355 Diodes - Part 625-1N4935 from
2 - .01uF Capacitors - Part 581-SR155C103KAT from
1 - 10uF Capacitor - Part 140-HTRL25V10-TB from
3 - 4.7k Resistor Network 652-4608X-101-4.7K from (Has an extra resistor, but works fine)
1 - D-Sub 25 pin Male - Mouser, RadioShack, etc.
1 - Barrel power connector - Whatever works for your power supply. (We used a spare 12V power brick)
Stranded Cat-5 is sufficient for wiring
Terminals and male headers are optional, see the page for the circuit.
Heat sinks for the 5804Bs are needed. We used some aluminum channel.
Copper clad PC board (We stock up on ebay every so often)
Etching solution - Ferric Chloride, etc.

hello frnds ...i am still adding the all latest informaton..and this topic is still remaning...i will add when i will find next..and plz visit it...u will find new things everyday...thanks

how to build is still continue...

Most stepper motors are labeled. The major points of interest include the voltage, resistance and the number of degrees per step. Knowing the number of degrees per step is vital for configuring the software to properly control the machine later on. For a three axis machine, at the very least you'll want the X and Y axis to both have identical motors. It's not the end of the world if they don't match, but it's more of a pain later on.

The drive screw is the next piece of our project. Commercial units use linear ball screws or linear gears. The commercial parts aren't cheap, but you can get away with some 1/4-inch threaded rod from the hardware store. Instead of anti-backlash nuts, we'll use these handy 1-inch long 1/4-inch nuts. Just about every hardware store has them, and they produce very little play. Try out the hardware at the store because defects in the nut or rod will produce drag that's easily noticeable by spinning the nut on the rod.

To couple the rod to the motor shaft, we'll use vinyl tubing with a pair of collars. The tubing is 1/4-inch inner diameter and prevents binding by allowing some play between the rod and the motor. You can get suitable collars from a model airplane store (The hardware store had some, but they were overpriced). Alternatively, you can make your own like we did from nylon bushings and hex screws.

it is still continue..i will put..u just check it regularly...


how to build...continue

Parts Hunting For Part 1 of the How-To, we'll go over all the major components of the project and get started with the controller. The major components of the DIY CNC machine:
  • Stepper motors
  • drive positioning screw
  • 3 Axis stepper motor controller
  • Linear slides

The most important component to determine the construction of your milling machine is the motor. Motors can be purchased from surplus houses, but the cheapest place to get them is from old dot matrix printers. Apple Imagewriters are one of our favorite sources. They contain multiple stepper motors, and the primary is pretty beefy. As a bonus, just about every dot matrix printer has a hardened steel rod that can be useful for our nefarious goals.

A stepper motor is an odd beast. Most motors spin when power is applied, stepper motors contain multiple coils. If the coils are energized in the proper order, the motor will rotate a small amount (a step). We'll take full advantage of the nature of stepper motors with this project. To simplify your life later on, you'll want to find stepper motors with more than four wires. Four wire motors are usually Bipolar motors. They produce more torque, but end up complicating the control circuit. The preferred type of motor for the frugal hobbiest is Unipolar. These usually have five or six wires, and they're pretty easy to work with.

Most stepper motors are labeled. The major points of interest include the voltage, resistance and the number of degrees per step.  Knowing the number of degrees per step is vital for configuring the software to properly control the machine later on. For a three axis machine, at the very least you'll want the X and Y axis to both have identical motors. It's not the end of the world if they don't match, but it's more of a pain later on.

how to build ur own cnc machine..part 1.

Ready for some hard core gadget creation? If you thought your dremel tool was handy before, in today's How-To we'll start  building our own CNC machine. Aside from the geek factor, it can be handy for making things like PC boards without chemicals or maybe some little styrofoam voodoo heads of all your enemies, uh friends.

Gentlemen, start your soldering irons.

Computer controlled mills have been around for a long time. If you just want to buy oneone, Sherline makes mills that are ready to go (pictured is their CNC ready model -- just add your own motors and controller). But then again, if you wanted to buy one, you probably wouldn't be reading this, now would you? A CNC machine is a lot like a precision drill press with a table that moves in two directions -- seeing a commercial unit like the one above should help you visualize the end goal. We'll be making ours from scrounged, recycled, and adapted parts; today we'll be going over the basic parts we'll need to build our own.


Why URC Automation for Robot Automation?

Your profit is our goal! Our robot cells increase productivity over manual operations by 25% or more (several projects got a 400% increase), with an increase in part quality due to the repeatability of the robot system. Return on investment (ROI) ranges from 12 to 18 months. Let us help you to be more profitable with your process.
Great Service! We absolutely believe that we need to make you 100% satisfied with what you have purchased from us. We want your business and we want your repeat business.
We design and build our robot cells with proven, off the shelf technology. No proprietary, hard to get replacement parts. No proprietary integrator software that you can't change and is clumsy to use. As
a result, our robot cells run ON DEMAND, with minimal downtime. The result - quality, no-nonsense systems that run the way you expect them to!
Our knowledge of optimizing robot work-cells. We fine tune the system to get the lowest cycle time possible which translates to more parts and profit for you. Our robot systems are generally waiting on output from the machines that provide the parts to our cells.
Experience. We've cut many different complex plastic parts with our robot router machining systems - parts for recreational vehicles such as snowmobiles and jet skis, sanitary products, gas tanks, air ducting and storage containers. For robot loading cells, we have designed and built systems that handle castings, brass blanks, injection mold racks and glass.

this video is really suppope...must see....its cnc 7 axis motion of robot router

Linear Track mounted Robot Router Machining System. Coordinated 7-Axis of motion. Floor or gantry.
Extends range of URC robot router machining system by up to 30 feet. Great for very large parts or permanently mounted multiple fixtures. Up to two auxiliary axes for fixture manipulation, compliant tools, vision guidance and off-line programming.
Starting from $269,000.

Robot Routers - Machining and Drilling

  • 1. 6 - 9 Axis CNC Robot Routers
    2. Robot CNC Loaders
    3. Custom Robot Systems
    4. Offline Robot Programming

URC Automation builds 6 - 9 axis CNC robot router machining systems for plastic and composite material removal. We have a mobile platform system, several fixed station router machining systems and a 7-9 Axis router machining system for large parts or multiple stations for the secondary operations of cutting, drilling, deflashing, countersinking and trimming. Shape Generation software is an option for easy programming of circles, slots, rectangles and other shapes. The Off-line programming option allows for programming on a PC and then downloading the finished program to the robot.
URC Automation designs and builds the robot tooling, electrical controls and software on all of our robot machining systems. We are a one-stop shop. When we are done, you have a turn-key system ready to run your part! We can also design in SolidWorks and build fixtures for your parts.
Several configurations of two and three station router machining cells are available for your manufacturing needs! Prices from $129K - $149K. Call for details or tell us what you need.
Off-line programming for URC 6 - 9 Axis Robot Router Machining systems in
FANUC HandlingPRO or is available depending on the robot option. The URC 7-Axis Machining System programming was done in HandlingPRO.
Mobile 6 Axis CNC Robot Router Machining System $113,500 for 2008!

working of cnc machine tools

The CNC machines are of various types such as Lathe, Drilling, Milling, Boring, etc. In the traditional methods these machines are operated by the operators, but in the CNC machines you have to just feed the program of various cutting and final dimensional instructions. The computer understands these instructions and operates the machine, much like the robot. The CNC machines can operate in two different ways.
In the first method the drawings of jobs that are to be made are given to the CNC machine programmer. He makes a program in a language, also called programming language, understood by the computer. To make sure that the final product will be of the desired shape and the size, one job can be made on the trial basis, though this step is not always necessary. Then the programmer can also choose the number of such parts that are to be made.
If it is a single job, the CNC machine will stop automatically after finishing the job. However, if there are more jobs, the machine will pick up the next job and follow all the machining instructions as already fed into the computer. For this purpose you should keep the raw material ready at particular location. In this way the CNC machine will keep on working continuously without wasting any precious time. The whole of the CNC machine is a sort of the Robot; in fact the technology of working behind both is same.
The second method is even more automated and is based on the concept of CAM- Computer Aided Manufacturing. In many productions shops the series of CNC machines may be combined into one station, commonly called a "cell”. This is to progressively machine a part requiring several operations. The CAM software helps in designing the product and also checking its feasibility on the computer itself. When the design is finalized, the final dimensions of the products are directly fed into the computer of the CNC machine without the need of making the drawing or complicated instructions. Thus, what you get is the final product that you have designed just a few moments ago.
The present day CNC machines can work all the days of the week and 24 hours a day continuously without any human intervention. The advanced machines are also equipped with the error detection facilities that enable the machine to call the operator’s mobile in case of emergency like broken tool, no jobs, no oil in the machine, or any other faults. Meanwhile the machine will keep on performing the other operations that it could still perform. It is surprising to know that these machines can keep on making thousands of jobs for days together without feeling the need of any operator.


CNC Lathe and turningCNC lathes are rapidly replacing the older production lathes (multispindle, etc) due to their ease of setting and operation. They are designed to use modern carbide tooling and fully utilize modern processes. The part may be designed by the Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) process, the resulting file uploaded to the machine, and once set and trialled the machine will continue to turn out parts under the occasional supervision of an operator. The machine is controlled electronically via a computer menu style interface, the program may be modified and displayed at the machine, along with a simulated view of the process. The setter/operator needs a high level of skill to perform the process, however the knowledge base is broader compared to the older production machines where intimate knowledge of each machine was considered essential. These machines are often set and operated by the same person, where the operator will supervise a small number of machines (cell). The design of a CNC lathe has evolved yet again however the basic principles and parts are still recognisable, the turret holds the tools and indexes them as needed. The machines are totally enclosed, due in large part to Occupational health and safety (OH&S) issues. With the advent of cheap computers, free operating systems such as Linux, and open source CNC software, the entry price of CNC machines has plummeted. For example, Sherline makes a desktop CNC lathe that is affordable by hobbyists. Most CNC Swiss style lathes today utilize two spindles. The main spindle is used with the guide bushing for the main machining operations. The secondary spindle is located behind the part, aligned on the Z axis. In simple operation it picks up the part as it is cut off (or parted off) and ejects it into a bin, eliminating the need to have an operator manually change each part, as is often the case with standard CNC turning centers. This makes them very efficient, as these machines are capable of fast cycle times, producing simple parts in one operation in as little as 10-15 seconds. This makes them ideal for large production runs of small diameter parts.


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